Every place has its charm, or what the classics called Genius Loci. I like to find this quality in every place I visit, and try to find out what the limiting factor is. Based on this, I seek a leitmotif, or a thread to develop each project.
In the same way, every customer has a particular relationship with nature. Knowing this relationship helps me to define the characteristics of each assignment. Understanding their needs and interpreting their wishes are also essential parts of each project. Transmitting my passion, sharing the dream and get empathizing are all part of the way.
Projecting a garden is to go beyond a still image and a graphical representation. The garden is a constantly evolving process.
Always starting from an initial survey plan, I prepare a draft in constant dialogue with the customer. I then develop the executive project with all the technical requirements.
The construction management is the kind of work that is not seen, but technically very necessary for the proper long-term development of a garden. I select all the materials, coordinate with the industrial and landscaping staff and personally choose each plant in the corresponding nursery. I visit the building site on a regular basis until delivery. Once the project has been completed, I manage the maintenance. From here, I act as the contact person between owner and gardener in order to keep the initial developed thread.
I like to visit “my” gardens regularly to make the changes that are required over time. I love to see how each garden grows, ages and beautifies.